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Reactive Testing Approach

These techniques are typically employed as part of what I described in an earlier chapter as a dynamic test strategy. On the basis of the development design papers, we may write the test strategy. You need to ensure that all of your different components are interfaced out, and then test one specific class at a time, mocking out absolutely everything else. Both individuals and organizations that work with arXivLabs have embraced and accepted our values of openness, community, excellence, and user data privacy.

Developing new testers becomes much faster if you create a common framework for all your testers. All the standard components are already built, freeing the test engineers to focus on building the functionality needed to test the device—which can decrease the time it takes to get new products to market. ​​As devices become more complex, test teams are under increased time pressure to get products out the door, making an optimized test strategy more important than ever.

Software testing: Types and how to choose the test strategy

The test design principles of the Component Test is already discussed, and in this phase of testing the primary objective is validating the business logic of the microservice in isolation. In this section, we will also touch upon the concepts of WireMock for stubbing. Unit testing takes care of validating the implementation of the functional blocks (unit), however, it does not provide guarantee what is reactive testing about the behavior of the system. To verify that each module correctly collaborates with its interacting modules more coarse-grained testing is required. Mocking persistence layer using Mockito or similar tools could become complex for Component Tests, as these tests simulate the end to end scenarios. Spring Boot supports several in-memory SQL databases like H2, HSQLDB, and Derby.

If the test strategy document is properly created, it will result in the development of a high-quality system and the expansion of the entire testing process. Making this commitment requires organizational discipline and courageous leadership from all. All our leaders must agree to see quality assurance as a partnership in which organizations need to effectively balance their testing priorities and determine the best level of coverage for the business. Each of us has something to benefit in making such a commitment, and I invite you to share in this commitment with me. Instead of burdening our processes and teams with reactive Whack-A-Bug testing, let’s care for them well by thinking proactively and letting data alone drive our testing strategy.

Chapter 20. Reactive Testing

This test first creates a stub for the external system in the @BeforeAll method, by running the same on port 9900 (as defined in the annotation). The ComponentTests class is a Junit class as our custom annotation @ComponentTest takes care of all the prerequisites. The test takes a simple payload as input and sends a request with all required headers and validates the response on execution. This test treats our component as black-box and validates the business requirements. A familiar problem in testing based on requirements is confusing specifications that are not complete, difficult to test and at times not available at all. If the organization does not take care of these issues, the testers must choose some other testing strategy.
reactive testing approach
Any change in the contract could be a nightmare from a maintenance perspective. Proactive test approach and effective test strategy makes life easier of the tester. In such cases, it should be a general guide on the entry and exit criteria of each level and on the relationships between the different levels (for example, the sharing of testing coverage objectives).

Reactive testing and monitoring best practices

TestStand is language agnostic, meaning test organizations can program in various languages, including Python, C/C++, and .NET, and have it all plug into the same framework and work together. When organizations leverage this type of framework, they save up to 75 percent on development time and reduce time spent on maintenance by 67 percent. A test framework is a high-level software application used for developing, executing, deploying, and reporting on automated test sequences. A test engineer’s priority is ensuring a working product is delivered to the end customer. Smart light bulbs have built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality—and sometimes even speakers. That means that over the last few years, a test team has added testing for power electronics, wireless connectivity, and acoustic test.
reactive testing approach
High reliance on test doubles allows designing robust tests, however, it also imposes a need for validating the authenticity of the mocks. Test doubles often result in inefficiencies in the test maintenance, as any change in the interacting services could result in hundreds of test failures. In addition to this, covering different functional requirement might lead to creating several mocks for any interacting entity. If the stubs are maintained statically, it could lead to managing several of those.

  • Developing new testers becomes much faster if you create a common framework for all your testers.
  • This trend of testing more in less time has been around for years but is often overlooked because the cost of this type of reactive development isn’t immediately evident.
  • The response received is parsed to get the response body and validate further.
  • In this last chapter on behavioral or black-box test design, I’ll cover an approach to test design that focuses on reacting to what happens during test execution.
  • The test takes a simple payload as input and sends a request with all required headers and validates the response on execution.

Finally, different test strategies may be needed for the short and long term, as well as for different organizations and projects. For example, in the presence of safety applications, a more intensive strategy may be more appropriate than in other cases. Furthermore, the testing strategies may vary depending on the development models adopted. Prior to co-founding ProdPerfect, I used to do some consulting work with factories. Operations such as oil refineries are able to clearly track metrics related directly to revenue and cost, and can thus fairly easily make decisions related to return on investment (ROI).

The Component Tests can be implemented in the same way as the Integration Tests by design principle. We can also configure WebTestClient automatically to bind the application context and run the tests. This would provide more of a black-box approach to the testing, where the component under test is fed with the input data and response is functionally validated. The component testing phase is business-critical, as the objective is more functional. While the integration tests validate the interactions of the external modules & persistence layer (data-store), however, these tests do not take care of the business logic validations.